Wednesday, November - 30, 2021
Notice for observation of World Aids Day
The observation of ‘WORLD AIDS DAY’ will be jointly organized by the NSS Units (I,II,III & IV) and NCC of the College as per the following Programme schedule :
Sl. No. |
Date |
Time |
Programme |
Participants |
Venue |
1 |
01.12.2021 |
09-00 a.m. |
Rally for observation of ‘World Aids Day’ |
Hon’ble Principal, NSS Volunteers & NCC Cadets, Staff & Students of the College |
From College to Contai Central Bus-Terminals |
2 |
01.12.2021 |
11-00 a.m. |
Seminar on ‘Aids Awareness’ |
NSS Volunteers & NCC Cadets, Staff & Students of the College with Resource Persons. |
Seminar Hall, Vivekananda Bhawan, P.K. College, Contai |
All the enrolled Volunteers of NSS & NCC, Staff & Students of the College are requested to participate in the said programme.