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About Department

Department of Botany started its journey from 1980 with pass course and Honours from 1995. circumventing different constrains the department has so far made and still continuing its progress with collective effort of faculties and other staff. Faculties are engaged in research cum project in areas on plant cytogenetics, phytochemistry, Medicinal plants, Fungal and Mycorrhizal activity, Agricultural crops etc. The department has the utmost aim to provide advance method of imparting education to all students.


ICT enabled Classroom, Departmental Library


BOD incubator with shaker, Centrifuge, Laminar airflow, Autoclave, Hot air oven, Digital pH meter, Colorimeter, Vortex, Live focus binocular microscope


Plant Genetics, Plant physiology and Biochemistry, Microbiology and General 

Wall Magazine: Malancha