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Course Outcomes

  1. PHYGCC01: (Cellular Physiology, Biophysical Principles, Biochemistry, Digestive system & Metabolism): Structure-function relationship of cells with their biochemical and biophysical properties. Study about the process of digestion and absorption of food
  2. PHYGCC02: (Blood, body fluid and immune System, Cardiovascular System and Respiratory System): Study about the haemodynamics and its functional relationship with cardiovascular system.
  3. PHYGCC03: (Nerve –Muscle Physiology, Nervous system, Skin and Body Temperature Regulation): Study about structural components of human nervous system and their function. Structure-function relationship of nerve and muscle.
  4. PHYGCC04: (Sensory Physiology, Endocrine and Reproductive System, Renal Physiology):Study about the human special senses and the idea about the human reproduction with its relationship with hormons.
  5. PHYGSE01:(Environmental Epidemiology):Concept of environmental hazards and public health management
  6. PHYGSE02: (Medical Diagnostics): Study about biomedical basis of diseases and different analytical technologies.
  7. PHYGSE03: (Meternal and child nutrition) : Study about the nutritional requirment during pregnancy and lactating mother. The nuritional requirment of children. 
  8. PHYGSE04: (Health psychology, physiology of stress and stress management) : Relation among physiology, psychology and stress. Study of different stress management techniques.  
  9. PHYGDS01: (Biostatistics): Study of statistical concept on biological data.
  10. PHYGDS02: (Clinical Haematology): Study of different hematological disorders and its diogonosis with management.
  11. PHYHGE01:(Blood and Immune system, Cardiovascular System):Study about haemodynamics. Concept of immune cells and their function.
  12. PHYHGE02: (Developmental Biology and Embryology):Concept of the development of different organs of human body
  13. PHYHGE03: (Community and Public Health): Idea about community health and public health issues
  14. PHYHGE04: (Muscle Physiology, Nervous system and Sensory Physiology ):Study about structural components of human nervous system and their function. Structure-function relationship of nerve and muscle.