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Yoga Centre

‘Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.’—The Bhagavat Gita


None can deny that Yogic meditation plays a crucial function in the general healing process. The Yoga centre of the college, developed with the financial assistance under RUSA scheme, provides many inimitable facilities for teachers and students as well as those who are in quest for a mild detoxification. We have recognized the holistic effects of practicing yoga and made it as a part of our daily routine to have a retreat for calming, detoxifying and revitalizing our overworked body, mind and spirit. Following are diverse yogic exercises which are followed keeping the requirements of the health seekers in mind:


  1. Surya Namaskar.
  2. Asanas.
  3.  Bandhas and Mudras.
  4. Kriyas or Dharana.
  5.  Meditation or Dhyana.