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The anti-ragging committee has identified the following behaviours (NOT LIMITED) to be tantamount to ragging:

1. Invectives (typically based on looks, alleged intelligence, race and gender)

2. Running errands

3. Verbal abuse

4. Non-verbal abuse

5. Forcing one to watch pornographic pictures,

6. Forcing one to drink alcohol, scalding tea, smoking and taking anything, his/ her will.

7. Forcing one to perform acts with sexual connotations, including homosexual acts.

The committee after having considered the degree and nature of ragging may suggest the following punitive measures (not limited to):

a. Imprisonment and fine up to five thousand as per ‘West Bengal Prohibition of Ragging in Educational Institutions act, 2000’.

b. Cancellation of admission.

c. Debarring from appearing in any test/examination.

d. Expulsion of the convicted from the college.