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“(Persons with disabilities) too are equal citizens of the country and have as much share in its resources as any other citizen. The denial of their rights would not only be unjust and unfair to them and their families but would create larger and graver problems for the society at large. What law permits them is no charity or largesse but their right as equal citizens of this country...”

-----(The Supreme Court in the case of Bhagwan Dass and Another vs. Punjab State Electricity Board 2008 AIR SCW 534.)


The Rights of Persons with Disabilities (RPwD) Act, 2016 guarantees that all persons with disabilities (PwDs) have rights to access education at all levels. Therefore, protection of educational rights of students with disabilities and promoting inclusive education become mandatory for all institutes of higher education in the Country. Equity of access to higher education calls for concerted and reasonable efforts to provide equal opportunities to all students with disabilities in the College Education System. In pursuance of this objective, Prabhat Kumar College, Contai, has established an ‘EQUAL OPPORTUNITY CELL FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES (EOC-PwDs)’ to consolidate and co-ordinate the legacy of this College towards inclusion and disabled friendly educational environment.

The ‘Equal Opportunity Cell for Persons with Disabilities’ functions in a unique manner in order to fulfill its sheer commitment towards ensuring a right based, democratic, nondiscriminatory inclusive and enabling academic environment to provide every student with disabilities equal opportunities in accessing education and other provisions connected herewith. The College ensures that every staff and student with disabilities (SwDs) enjoys equal rights in the process of teaching and learning inside the campus.